finally i can seat for my MUET exam...
thanks god...
this MUET really make me headache...
because it is difficult for me to buy the form...
normally this MUET can be register during my final exam...
or even trimester break...
therefore last trimester i cant get the form again...
last year i got the form...
and i forgot the date to seat for test was clashing with the date i went Sibu with parents...
paid for RM60 to finiance campus...
it was so hard to say i wanted cancel it and gave me back the money...
i knew that was not a easy chance for me to buy the form...
but compared to the flight ticket...
i was choosing to give up this test...
and make me felt dissapointed....
however one year later....
i got the form again...
not because i purposely went back malacca and bought myself...
is because i requested one of my friend to help me bought the form...
whose sister is a MMU lecturer...
and finally she messaged me and told me her sister has bought it...
i really appreciate to both of them...
especially her sister....
thanks for helping me to get the form...
after checking from MMU bulletin board...
the rules still remain the same...
i am the lucky one~
the rules are:
**As per MMU rules, students are required to have MUET with the minimum of Band 1 for all degree programmes as one of the requirements for graduation.**
**Students who are/will be enrolled into Degree progamme starting from June 2009/2010 are required to have at least MUET Band 3 as an entry requirement.**
i hope i no misunderstood it...
means that as long as i take the MUET...
than can pass already...
even thought is Band 1...
but don't forget...
date to submit will be until the end of this coming June...
no matter how...
hopefully the speaking won't clash with my final exam lol~
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